In Turkey there is also a snack menu for iftar, like in other countries. Name this snack Piyaju, based foods onions. Of its forms, is no different Piyaju Onion Ring in general.
Typically, for the presentation of Piyaju accompanied by Chutney, or sauce of fruits as complementary flavors. But sometimes Piyaju served with spicy flavors, according to the tastes of each person.
Make Piyaju is not difficult, because almost the same as the Onion Ring. Simply slice the onion, there is also a plus with red onion and put in the rice flour, then fried.
Usually if you want spicy, there is added with sliced chili. But if not all members of the house like a spicy, so when the presentation is quite equipped with sauce.
Piyaju actually been produced everywhere. But in different forms and flavors as well.