Peppers In Oil - Italy foods | peperoni alla romana
italy. the south of italy has an abudance of vegetables. Olives, celery, fennel, lettuce, broccoli, artichoke, asparagus, and spinach have been used for centuries and their italian names have come into our own language.
Peppers In Oil |
ingredients :
3 large sweet red peppers
3/4 cup pitted ripe olives
2 garlic cloves, crushed
salt to taste
3 tablespoons oil
preparation Peppers In Oil :
Bake peppers at 400 derajat, turning occasionally, for 15 to 20 munites, until skin is black. peel peppers, core dan seed. Cut into strips. combine pepapers, olives, garlic and salt marinate ia a little oil, turning occasionally serve as appertizer dan yield 6 serving